You will need either an iOS or Android device for using our apps. (Those are the two most popular operating systems for mobile devices.) The device you use is up to you and your personal preference, budget, and needs.
If you are purchasing a new device for the sole purpose of using speech therapy apps, here are some questions to ask yourself:
1. What are you (and your family) already using and familiar with?
If you have an iPhone, moving to an iPad is easy since they both use iOS. If you're used to your Samsung phone, another Android-based tablet makes sense. All apps that you buy on either the App Store or Google Play can be installed on all of your other iOS or Android devices, but apps bought on one operating system can't be used on the other. Stick with what you know for the fastest learning curve or the support of friends and family members. Both operating systems have some kind of family sharing program too, so others in your family can also access the apps.
2. What are you going to use the device for?
Nearly all smartphones and tablets will take pictures, allow for video calls, and let you watch movies or play games. But if you think you will be using a lot of apps especially for speech therapy, you'll find more selection on an iOS device in Apple's App Store.
3. What size screen do you need?
We recommend using a full-size tablet for our apps. It's easier to see, hear, and touch on a bigger screen. This means we don't recommend a phone or a mini tablet. Look for a 10" tablet or bigger for best results. This is assuming the apps will usually be used at home or propped up on a table or stand. If the device is used for communication (AAC apps) and portability is the biggest concern, then a smaller tablet or phone may be more portable and the better choice.
4. How much storage do you need?
Most devices are sold with a set amount of hard drive space or storage. All of our apps will fit on a 16 GB device, but there may not be a lot of room for much else. We recommend at least 32 GB for best results.
5. What is your budget?
You will pay more the fancier the device is. The pricey iPad Pro can nearly replace a laptop for power users, but it has far more power and features than most people need to use therapy apps. Plan to replace your tablet every 3-5 years and purchase something that is affordable. Be careful of the cheapest tablets from no-name brands as they aren't generally as reliable. Look for sales on tablets online or from local electronics dealers for deals on last year's models or around holidays. As a general rule, Android tablets are usually cheaper than Apple iPads.
6. What about laptops?
Our apps can be used on Chromebooks that have the Google Play Store. Otherwise, it is possible to install apps on a computer using an Android simulator, but it's not the easiest thing.
Top Apple recommendation: iPad, 32 GB or more, Wi-Fi, priced at $329 USD new (all new iPads will work well)
Top Android recommendation: Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 10.4" 32 GB, Wi-Fi priced at $230 USD new (all new Android tablets will work well)
Just be sure your device is running an operating system compatible with our apps. (Most are.)
Please do NOT purchase an Amazon Fire tablet for our apps as these tablets do not have the Google Play Store. Similarly, Windows-based touch-screen tablets or phones, like a Surface Pro, will not be able to use our apps.